Vocabulary Teaching Posters

Vocabulary Teaching Posters

Yazıcı-dostu sürüm

Vocabulary Teaching Posters

Twenty-five language teaching posters have been prepared for teaching thematic vocabularies in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.

The posters cover approximately 600 words at the A1 level and the following themes are available:

1.    Alphabet

2.    Home

3.    Family

4.    School

5.    Our Body

6.    Colors

7.    Animals

8.    Transportation

9.    Numbers

10.  Fruits and Vegetables

11.  Food and Drinks

12.  Clothing and Accessories

13.  Occupations

14.  Buildings

15.  Location and Direction

16.  Our Environment and the World

17.  Time

18.  Hours

19.  Sports and Leisure

20.  Weather

21.  Health

22.  Work

23.  Toys

24.  Countries and Nationalities

25.  Warnings


Note: All rights of the posters are copyrighted by Yunus Emre Institute. Posters can be used without modification. Recommended print sizes are 50x70 cm.


To Buy: 0 312 309 11 88
E-mail: kitapsatis@yee.org.tr



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